Supported Foster Parents
Equipped caregivers
United, strengthened and revived families
Sustainable prosperity
United, strong communities
Children, families and communities who know and love God
We pull all of our resources and capacity to fight against:
Child abandonment
Child Neglect and Abuse
Child institutionalization
Ignorance and indifference
Family disunity
Community Disruption
We provide safe families for abandoned children through willing and godly foster parents that provide aid and support.
We train foster parents to be financially independent, to eventually provide for their family and achieve sustainable prosperity
We provide trauma management training for our caregivers to improve their ability to provide regular, relevant, and godly care to the children and their parents.
Our goal is to have safe loving families, that love God and use their life gifts to serve God and his children through volunteer service.
When vulnerable children or their parents go through traumatic experience, we there to provide the emotional and psycho-social support they need.